Thank you for visiting the website of Jockey GmbH, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, ("Site") and for your interest in the JOCKEY® brand.
It is our genuine pleasure to provide you with information about Jockey, its rich brand history, JOCKEY® products and where you can buy JOCKEY® garments near you. We welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have and invite you to contact us by:
Calling us: +49 (0) 74 71/189-0
Writing to us at: Jockey GmbH, Neustraße 12, D-72379 Hechingen, Germany; or
Sending us a fax at:+49 (0) 74 71 189-120
Sending us an e-mail at:
Managing Director: Timothy Wheeler
HRB Nr.: HRB 420943
USt.-IdNr: DE223685031
This Site is intended for informational purposes only. We do not solicit personal information through this Site.